
Yes, Grieving Over the Loss of a Pet is Legit

Grief happens when we lose something so important to us that it has become a part of us. For sure, everyone understands that losing a friend or a family member results in strong feelings of grief for those who are left behind. But what about when we lose something else? A job? Our ability to do something? A portion of our health or well-being? And yes – what about when we lose a pet?

A blogger by the name of Jamie Anderson recently wrote:

“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot…Grief is just love with no place to go” ~ Jamie Anderson

If you are wondering about how and why our connection to pets can be so powerful so that they become a part of us – and what we lose when we grieve – here is an article posted in the last year that explores the relationship between a person and their animal companion from a perspective of behavioral science:


While the article explores our relationships with dogs specifically, much the same could be said for our relationships with cats or other pets.

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By |2018-09-04T01:31:32+00:00April 16th, 2018|Grief and Loss, Planning Ahead, Spotlight on Pets|Comments Off on Yes, Grieving Over the Loss of a Pet is Legit

About the Author:

Companah is a small business founded in Central North Carolina, owned and operated by Hal and Shannon Atkins. Caring for others, living and loving the natural beauty of our state, and having careers in science and technology are the reasons they have built this practice. Hal spent his childhood in the mountains of North Carolina enjoying the natural splendor of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Shannon spent her younger years down east on the Neuse and Pamlico Rivers. Knowing the importance of our natural environment, they are excited to bring a technology that will significantly reduce the environmental impact of traditional animal cremation methods while returning a better overall product to your family.
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